Another very lucky orphan lamb
On the 19th of August I got a call from Lyn Strickland in the Hawkes Bay to say they had picked up a very strong healthy ewe lamb who was approx 4 days old and her Mum had died. That afternoon we made the trip over to pick up the beautiful lamb :-)
Saffron aka Saffy settled in very quickly and made herself right at home.

Saffy of course was raised like all of our others, wearing Nappy Pants and hanging out inside. We have been collar and lead training her as we did with Pepper and lift her feet on command so we can check them.

As usual the cats were very tolerant of this white wooly thing invading their space and nibbling their fur and ears ;-)

Mike bought Saffy a squid head hat and to our surprise she didn't mind wearing it for cute photo opportunities!
Saffy was lucky that Mint gave birth on 2nd September and so saffy got a playmate when Mint and her daughter moved to the big paddock. Saffy started off spending 2-3 hours out with them and this has slowly increased.
At 6 weeks and 1 day old Saffy spent her first over night in the paddock with Mint, Nutmeg and their daughters.
The lambs get on great and race around playing.
Mint is very good with Saffy unless saffy tries to steal titty, then she gets pushed away. Saffy started to shed at 6 weeks old, our new record!
At 7 weeks old (currently), Saffy comes inside between 6pm and 9.30pm, this will continue until she no longer fits her pull ups!

We are very grateful to Strickland Wiltshires for another quality ewe lamb :-)