Lambing 2020
This year we are lambing in the new baa-turnity suite. The first to lamb was Parsley, 1 day over due on the 24th August. It was a rain and wind storm outside but we were warm and dry.
Parsley's lambs presentations were not 2 feet and a nose so all 3 had to be assisted. My husband who has the smallest hands got that job. All 3 lambs were strong and healthy, quick to get up and feed.

We made the hard decision to remove the female lamb and hand raise her with the other 2 orphans. This turned out to be the right decision as Parsley is a bit too light and also retained some of her after birth and needed lots of extra TLC and medication.
Saffy was next to lamb, she is 2 years old and it was her first time. Saffy had her lambs one day before her due date on the 27th August. Saffy had her lambs while it was raining hard outside. Her lamb presentations were perfect and all we did was watch and take photos and videos.
Warning - birthing image below...

Then it was Flopsies turn, also a 2 tooth and her first time lambing. Unfortuntely Flopsie started bleeding, fresh red blood 1 day before her due date early afternoon on fathers day 6th September. I know that isn't normal and suspected placental separation. She went into labour that evening and it was pouring down with rain so we bought her in to the baa-turnity suite. Labour didn't progress as normal so Mike gloved up, applied lube and did a check. Unfortunately the lamb that was coming had died and it's head was folded down and under.
I had to hold Flopsie and Mike pulled. It was very hard to get the lamb out but he managed, right behind him was the 2nd lambs hind feet and he was wrapped in this dead brothers placenta. Thankfully he was alive.
Flopsie had pain relief and antibiotics.

Thankfully we had 3 weeks to recover before the next 2018 born ewe was due. Chives had her lambs 1 day early in the lawn pen shelter in between my Wi-Fi camera checks 6-7am. She was very sneaky and did amazing having her twin ewe lambs. It was also sunny and warm which made for a nice change.
Photo taken at 1 day old

Next to lamb was Chicory who lambed at 1.09am on her due date 19th October. It was a warm evening and she lambed in lawn pen shelter. I saw Chicory pushing on the Wi-Fi camera and as I was putting my overalls on she had her son, our biggest lamb of the season weighing 5.26kg. She then had a girl born at 1.47am weighing 3.74kg

Once she was finished and had bonded with her babies it started to rain we moved her and the lambs to the baaternity suite. Chicory is a natural Mum, so careful not to stand on them and very dedicated.

Clove was last to lamb, she lambed one day late on the 23rd October 2020. After checking Clove on the Wi-Fi camera hourly all night, she lambed at 8.40 and 8.46am. Clove's 1st born was a bit stuck at his head so we applied lubricant and gently helped get that head out, after that when she pushed he came easily, he weighed 4.21kg and the 2nd born was our smallest lamb of the season weighing just 2.9kg. Clove was a bit overwhelmed with it being so quick but she cleaned up her baby boys very well. She got to enjoy the sun outside in the lawn pen with her babies and then spent her nights in the baaternity suite.

All of our ewes were great Mums and the last of the lambs go to their wonderful forever homes at the end of January 2021.