What's new at Abyrose Wiltshires
The lease ram Tiddleywink mated the ewes, which gives us due dates between 29th August to the 16th September all going well. Tiddleywink went home early because he was so pumped on hormones and causing trouble.

Many thanks to the Stricklands for leasing him to me.
I am hoping to be able to get the sheep pregnancy scanned early June.
Please email me abyrosewiltshires@gmail.com if you are interested in securing a quality ewe or ram lamb, ready early 2020.
2 of our ewe lambs went off together to a Rangitikei farm for breeding at the end of March. I was sad to see them go but at least they were together.
I have kept 2 of our Abyrose ewe lambs and our orphan from the Stricklands, you can see them on the meet our wiltshires page :-) They are beautiful girls with lovely natures.
Fingers crossed for some Autumn grass growth before winter sets in.